How To Use

Are you ready to embark on a journey of coffee sensory development like no other? Scentible is here to help you unlock the full potential of your coffee palate and share the joy of discovery with others.

Scentible is the world’s first aroma spray that is consumable, alcohol-free, vegan, allergen free and sustainable. Scentible works as a sensory kit, designed to assist in identifying flavours, aromas and defects found in specialty coffee.

Using Scentible is simple:

1. Select a coffee or beverage you want to explore.

2. Choose one or more aromas from our kit that you think will complement your coffee.

3. Spray the selected aromas onto a tasting spoon, glass, or directly onto your coffee.

4. Inhale deeply and savour the aroma before taking a sip.

5. Observe how the aromas enhance your coffee-tasting experience and take notes on your sensory impressions.
